America, Faith, homestead, liberty, Life in General, lifestyle, Most Wonderful Time of the Year, wellness

My how time flies!

How in the fig is it already July?? How did we already have July 4th? Did you enjoy yours as much as we did? We are super low-key and do things at home with a simple cookout. We hang out in the backyard or driveway and watch the neighbors burn their hard earned cash.

We had hamburgers with fresh baked hamburger buns, homemade coleslaw and potato salad, deviled eggs, a red white and blue salad (strawberries, fresh-picked blueberries, feta, and greens), potato chips, homemade blueberry lavender lemonade, and fresh homemade no-churn strawberry ice cream for dessert. Now, if you’ve known me for any length of time, you know summer isn’t my jam, but I do love it for gardens and cookouts!

Speaking of gardens, I haven’t taken a pic but we finally got ours put in mid-June. Super late, but better than never. Lots of squash (hopefully the evil squash bugs don’t annihilate them), green beans, carrot…literally one carrot is coming up, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, green peppers, herbs: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage, and whatever else. I had planted them in my wheelbarrow and apparently it was under the gutter during a downpour and it dumped all down in the wheelbarrow, washing things amiss. So it will be interesting to see what grows where. I did have to reseed several things in both places because I think I had some duds. This garden will be super interesting for sure. We also have 4 elderberry shrubs and a blackberry bush growing and doing well. I’m already planning ahead for my fall garden. I did have some luck with our ‘salad bar’ and hope to replant some for the fall. There are some things I will need to start planting in a few weeks! Eek! One of these days I’ll get the hang of it.

And with July starting off a bang, that also means it’s time to start prepping for fall/holiday markets! Specifically, the craft show we have at our church. Not to mention, gifts! It’s also time to start planning fall/holiday bakes for the bakery. Oh man. It’s almost the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Who else is watching Christmas in July on GAC? No? Just me? DOUBTFUL. Tee hee.

Things to note:

I want a blueberry farm. We went to one a few weeks ago and picked blueberries and had the best time. I learned that I never had blueberries until I picked them and ate them fresh off the bush. UNREAL. Add a lavender field, too. It was a whole experience. I want to offer that.

I still very much can’t wait for our future homestead property. I will keep asking the Lord. 😉

I’ve found that this new endeavor with the Wellness Store is so up my alley and I’m super happy to have taken the leap. You can learn more about it on my Insta!

And as of last night, I am an official Ambassador for Ever.American apparel. You can shop and save 10% with that link. I do earn commissions, but I would (and have) share this shop anyway. I just love their tees! Below is my first tee. I wear it pretty much all the time.

14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Perhaps YOU were made for such a time as this?

THIS SONG is probably my new favorite. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

All The Things, America, farm life, farmhouse, God-Sized Dreams, Gratitude, homestead, liberty, Life in General, lifestyle, wellness

Be a Good Steward

Anyone else looking for other shopping alternatives? No? Just me? 👀

Over the last few years, things have shifted, in a big way, for me.

I’ve been more conscious of what we consume, in every way. I’m having to make my dollars stretch a LOT farther. I’ve had to let go a lot of things. I’m reusing and repurposing anything I can. I’m cooking and baking from scratch, gardening, getting chickens, etc. It’s a whole thing! 🌱🐓💐

Since I’m an America First 🇺🇸 kind of girl, I’ve been really conscious of spending my dollars with like minded shops/stores/people, as well as local.

It’s super important to me. God has bestowed upon me blessing after blessing and I must be a good steward of those blessings.

Thankfully, I’ve found one such place that checks many of my boxes.

  • Made in the USA
  • Clean & non-toxic
  • Affordable
    …just to name a few

I am now working to swap all the gross toxic crap with healthier options. Under my kitchen and bathroom sink, in my medicine cabinet, including supplements! I’m really excited to get everything swapped over and share with you my thoughts on it. It’s all part of our journey in going from cottage to farmhouse!

America, Entrepreneurship, liberty

Meet Me on the Public Square

What would it look like to rebuild the concept of a “Public Square” in our modern times?

I love the idea of coming together and gathering with like-minded fellow entrepreneurs and shoppers! How can we do that? I’ll tell you…

It will start with the gathering of like minds, like hearts, and like ideas. People who want to set things right and get back on track.

It will start with people just like you and me. People who want to support other individuals and businesses who have the same end goal.

What end goal, you ask?

The end goal of preserving liberty and freedom.

Together, we can do that. And I have the perfect outlet for all Liberty loving individuals and businesses!

If you are looking to support liberty minded businesses, you ARE a liberty minded business, and you just want to be among those who love liberty, join me here.

If any of the above fits you….

Click the Image