All The Things, crochet, Faith, farmhouse, homemaking, Life in General, Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello, November!

Look at me! Posting twice in one week. I honestly should be doing anything else right now. But I happened to have my laptop open for another task I had to do and decided, might as well, since I’m here!

November is here! And I am shooketh. I have so much that I * want* to do, so much I *need* to do. There are lists every where. But you wouldn’t know….

This is my ‘office’. This is the only space I have for anything. Except my baking of course. So from about July/August through December, this is what my living room looks like on any given day. My notebooks fill of lists are under there somewhere. :/ One of these days, I’ll be like the cool kids and either have a dedicated room or a she-shed. A she-shed would be preferable. This is real maker life, friends. I’m not an influencer (nor do I ever want to be). I am a real, small town, God-fearing, God-loving girl. Who would much rather be buried under a pile of yarn, or in the kitchen covered in flour, than be anywhere, or do anything, else.

While in the midst of preparing for next week’s craft show, I went and set up shop! I finally got it set up and somewhat loaded. I have a few items listed and will list a few more once the show is over. Go on over and check it out! I’m super excited to have found this great platform that aligns with my beliefs and values. They are super helpful and go out of their way to support their vendors. Plus, I love that my small business is helping their small business. Win/Win! I hope you will check them out, and if you are a maker with the same values, I hope you will give them a try!

It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year and it’s taking all I have to not drop everything and put the tree up. We would typically be decking the halls this week, but I am so far behind on my prep that I really need to focus on that. I may take a day off (or at least a few hours) on Sunday and do some hall decking then. It’s a busy season already. I want to be able to enjoy my decor for a while! Not just two weeks. I mean, obviously, we’re already watching the movies and listening to the music. And yes, I did in fact, buy some eggnog last night. Merry Christmas! And no, we aren’t skipping Thanksgiving. Silly. Truly the silliest thing I’ve ever heard. Literally no one skips Thanksgiving. We just enjoy our Thanksgiving and give thanks under the glow of Christmas lights. It’s really quite lovely. Maybe you should try it sometime.

PSA: While we’re on the subject… LET PEOPLE DECORATE EARLY AND STOP GIVING THEM GRIEF OVER IT. Let them have their joy, people! It doesn’t affect your life in any way. If you don’t want to decorate early, then don’t. What someone does in THEIR home, with THEIR stuff is NONE of your dang business and absolutely does NOT affect what goes on in YOUR home. You really ought to do some soul searching and figure out why it bothers you so much. Bless your heart.

But, I digress.

I’ve had to really discipline myself to not take on any other social commitments until after the craft show is done. It’s been hard. But I’m standing strong! This isn’t to say that I don’t already have a calendar full of commitments, I’m just not taking on any new ones. I even kind of wish I could back out of some the ones I’ve already made, but…integrity, and all. It’s important to me.

Me and all my delusions of grandeur have decided to try to make a display wall to set atop my table for the craft show. I will try to document the process. If it’s any good, I’ll share it. If it sucks, I’ll probably share that, too. Stay tuned for that.

I’ll leave you with that. And this Scripture.

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22 ESV

America, Faith, homestead, liberty, Life in General, lifestyle, Most Wonderful Time of the Year, wellness

My how time flies!

How in the fig is it already July?? How did we already have July 4th? Did you enjoy yours as much as we did? We are super low-key and do things at home with a simple cookout. We hang out in the backyard or driveway and watch the neighbors burn their hard earned cash.

We had hamburgers with fresh baked hamburger buns, homemade coleslaw and potato salad, deviled eggs, a red white and blue salad (strawberries, fresh-picked blueberries, feta, and greens), potato chips, homemade blueberry lavender lemonade, and fresh homemade no-churn strawberry ice cream for dessert. Now, if you’ve known me for any length of time, you know summer isn’t my jam, but I do love it for gardens and cookouts!

Speaking of gardens, I haven’t taken a pic but we finally got ours put in mid-June. Super late, but better than never. Lots of squash (hopefully the evil squash bugs don’t annihilate them), green beans, carrot…literally one carrot is coming up, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, green peppers, herbs: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, sage, and whatever else. I had planted them in my wheelbarrow and apparently it was under the gutter during a downpour and it dumped all down in the wheelbarrow, washing things amiss. So it will be interesting to see what grows where. I did have to reseed several things in both places because I think I had some duds. This garden will be super interesting for sure. We also have 4 elderberry shrubs and a blackberry bush growing and doing well. I’m already planning ahead for my fall garden. I did have some luck with our ‘salad bar’ and hope to replant some for the fall. There are some things I will need to start planting in a few weeks! Eek! One of these days I’ll get the hang of it.

And with July starting off a bang, that also means it’s time to start prepping for fall/holiday markets! Specifically, the craft show we have at our church. Not to mention, gifts! It’s also time to start planning fall/holiday bakes for the bakery. Oh man. It’s almost the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Who else is watching Christmas in July on GAC? No? Just me? DOUBTFUL. Tee hee.

Things to note:

I want a blueberry farm. We went to one a few weeks ago and picked blueberries and had the best time. I learned that I never had blueberries until I picked them and ate them fresh off the bush. UNREAL. Add a lavender field, too. It was a whole experience. I want to offer that.

I still very much can’t wait for our future homestead property. I will keep asking the Lord. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’ve found that this new endeavor with the Wellness Store is so up my alley and I’m super happy to have taken the leap. You can learn more about it on my Insta!

And as of last night, I am an official Ambassador for Ever.American apparel. You can shop and save 10% with that link. I do earn commissions, but I would (and have) share this shop anyway. I just love their tees! Below is my first tee. I wear it pretty much all the time.

14 For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?โ€ Esther 4:14

Perhaps YOU were made for such a time as this?

THIS SONG is probably my new favorite. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

All The Things, Life in General, Most Wonderful Time of the Year

โ€˜Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

Itโ€™s not even 2:00 and I have all of my sides prepped for Fridayโ€™s Thanksgiving dinner. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

Yesterday I made our fudge and Rice Krispies treats and pie dough.

I have yet to do my pies, dinner rolls, and cinnamon rolls. The rolls I will make up to the point where they would need to rest and rise and then I will stick them in the fridge until tomorrow morning and complete the process.

I made our stuffing from scratch this year and I am convinced I will never do it any other way from here on out. Itโ€™s all ready for the bird on Friday morning. The only shortcut I took was buying a loaf of French bread. Iโ€™ll attempt the French bread for Christmas.

Iโ€™m killing myself now so that I can enjoy the next two days instead of driving myself crazy with all the things. I want to be able to relax and watch the Thanksgiving Day parade and eat my cinnamon rolls and drink my coffee and orange juice.

Tomorrow we will have dinner at momโ€™s and on Friday I will host dinner at my house for my dad and Other Mother.

Iโ€™m so looking forward to all the things. Especially the stuffing and pumpkin pie. ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿฅฐ

May you all have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿ

All The Things, Faith, Life in General, Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Just One More Thing

That phrase, “just one more thing”, has many uses, doesn’t it? It can be a question, it can be added to the end of a sentence to add on to something previously stated, or in the case of me, it’s adding JUST ONE MORE THING to my already teetering plate. Why I do this to myself, I won’t understand. At least not for a while.

Maybe it’s because for so long I did nothing. Maybe it’s me just trying to make the best of my life after not doing much of anything prior to now. Maybe I’m trying to make up for something or fill a void. Maybe I’m just going where the Lord tells me to? I’d like to think it’s the latter, alas, I’m a broken, sinful human and that’s not likely the first thing I’d choose.

It could also be that I am so hungry for change, something I would never have admitted to, or again, chosen, that I am putting myself in front of all these opportunities. This must be that growth thing that happens in the Lord. He puts you in situations to grow you, for His glory and your good.

So here’s what’s happening now:

  1. I am an entrepreneur x3. My cosmetics & skincare business, my crochet business, and my newly launched baking business.
  2. I am heavily involved in the local political realm. I dove headfirst into grassroots efforts to help restore our republic and became the Republican central committeewoman for my precinct. In addition to that, I am taking classes to educate myself and others on the United States Constitution. (You can get more info here on classes in your area!) And in all that, I volunteer and support our truly conservative local & state candidates.
  3. And as of last night, I started the local Sheriff’s Citizens’ Academy. So for the next 4 Saturdays, I will be soaking all that in.
  4. Oh! And how can I forget preparing for a craft show in November? Honestly, it should be part of #1, but this is almost extra.

Phew. I’m exhausted just typing it all out. I don’t share this to brag. Hardly. I share as I would in a journal. I share to maybe, hopefully, inspire someone else to get up and take action, to jump headfirst into their dreams or something that’s been on their hearts. Definitely pray about it, listen to what the Holy Spirit is putting onto your heart. If you can’t stop thinking about it, it’s probably something you either need to repent of or take action on. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or maybe both. Whatever.

In other news, it’s August. It’s my birthday month! ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป๐ŸŽ‚I will be accepting cash, gift cards, lunches/dinners/coffee, and yarn all month. Also, that means FALL IS COMING! Fallelujah! ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ We are this ๐Ÿค๐Ÿปclose to the BER months, the most wonderful time of the year! The time of year when Beth really comes alive. Because I’m not half passed out and sweating. ๐Ÿฅด Truly, it’s a thing. I was not made for the heat. And we’ve had higher than normal temps this summer, starting EARLY in June. So I am well past over it.

I can’t wait for the 50s-60s, hoodies, fires in the fire pit and hot cocoa with marshmallows in my mug. I can’t wait for comforting soups and stews and chilis. I can’t wait for shorter days and long cozy nights. I can’t wait for fuzzy boots and hats. Hygge season is coming! โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿงฃ

I would love to hear from you! Leave a comment and tell me what your favorite season is and why!