Gratitude, homemaking, homestead

Thanksgiving at the Cottage Homestead

Can you believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already? It seems to happen quicker every year. Today I thought I would share what we are doing to prepare and share some tips and suggestions with you!

Let’s talk Thanksgiving prep!
Make all of your casserole dishes, cover and pop in the fridge! Bake tomorrow. Saves a lot of prep time tomorrow!

Make and bake your pies today. Stick the pumpkin pie in the fridge and take it out tomorrow morning-ish.

Do whatever you can do today to save yourself the time tomorrow. The more you can do today, the more you can enjoy tomorrow!

I have 7/10 dozen rolls rising for customers to pick up this afternoon.

Two of the ten are staying frozen as requested by the customer. And the final one will be picked up on Saturday.

After these are picked up I will be making our traditional fudge and Krispies treats and making my pies. Usually I will just do two pumpkin pies, but decided to switch it up and make one pumpkin and one pecan. I’ve never had a pecan pie, so I’m super excited!

I’ll be picking up some local homemade cranberry sauce that a local homestead made. Sure, I can do it, but I wanted to support our local farmers and homesteads. It’s super important to keep them running!

I’ll also be preparing our cinnamon rolls for the morning. As is tradition for us, we like to have our cinnamon rolls, coffee, and orange juice while we watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I look forward to that every year.

Then tomorrow we will go to my mom’s and have dinner there.

We look forward to all the deliciousness that comes with tomorrow and the days after.

We have so much to be thankful for. We need to remember these things on the daily. We take so much for granted. I hope tomorrow you take the time to stop and reflect on all the blessings the LORD has bestowed upon you. His mercy and grace for starters! Thank Him for not giving you what you deserve. 🥴😬🫠

“And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.” 1 Chronicles 29:13

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! May you all have a blessed holiday with friends and loved ones. 🦃

All The Things, Life in General, Most Wonderful Time of the Year

‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving

It’s not even 2:00 and I have all of my sides prepped for Friday’s Thanksgiving dinner. 🙌🏻

Yesterday I made our fudge and Rice Krispies treats and pie dough.

I have yet to do my pies, dinner rolls, and cinnamon rolls. The rolls I will make up to the point where they would need to rest and rise and then I will stick them in the fridge until tomorrow morning and complete the process.

I made our stuffing from scratch this year and I am convinced I will never do it any other way from here on out. It’s all ready for the bird on Friday morning. The only shortcut I took was buying a loaf of French bread. I’ll attempt the French bread for Christmas.

I’m killing myself now so that I can enjoy the next two days instead of driving myself crazy with all the things. I want to be able to relax and watch the Thanksgiving Day parade and eat my cinnamon rolls and drink my coffee and orange juice.

Tomorrow we will have dinner at mom’s and on Friday I will host dinner at my house for my dad and Other Mother.

I’m so looking forward to all the things. Especially the stuffing and pumpkin pie. 😋🥰

May you all have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🍁

America, God-Sized Dreams

Happy 246th Birthday, America!

Happy Independence Day, friends! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Even today, with all the nonsense going on in our great nation, we are a FREE people. We are free to worship. We are free to choose. We are free to love. We are free to serve one another with grateful hearts. We are free to gather. We are free to speak our minds. We are free to disagree. We are free to protect our families and property (All God given rights, by the way). All because ‘some old guys’ stood up and said NO MORE to government control. We are free to do the same. Our founding documents make it so.

So while you’re hanging with friends and family, grilling up some brats and pounding back a few brewskis, and blowing stuff up, remember that. Remember that countless thousands died to protect your right to do so. Remember that these Founding Fathers of our GREAT nation did this for US. So that we would be free.

Remember that YOU are We the People!

Life in General

Sylvia’s Strawberries

It’s been a minute since I drank from this cup. This sweet, sweet little coffee cup. If my memory serves me correctly, and it often doesn’t, the last time I drank from this cup I was sitting at my grandparents’ kitchen table. They’ve been gone a long time now. Grandma Sylvia left us long before Gramps. She loved strawberries. Her whole kitchen was decked out in strawberries. Strawberry everything. Even her cabinets were painted red! Down to her Strawberry Shortcake trash can that sits next to my vanity to this day. I have the majority of Grandma’s strawberry collection. I cherish each piece. I didn’t really get to know her all that well due to distance. They lived in Illinois while I grew up in San Diego.

When I look at these dishes I am reminded of a simpler time. And I long for it.

Sylvia’s strawberries 🍓

Do you have a certain piece that takes you down memory lane? Please share with me! I’d love to hear about it. ❤️


‘Twas the Day Before Thanksgiving

‘‘Twas the day before Thanksgiving when all was NOT quite and still. Even with a migraine, because Thanksgiving MUST go on!

Thanksgiving definitely looks different this year. Some family that normally comes over for a feast are opting to stay home. Now before anyone loses their heads about this, we are not in a metropolis that has a bajillion cases. So calm down, Karen.

Instead of two Thanksgivings this year, we will have one small one with my mon and step-dad. My son’s girlfriend will be joining us, too! Annnd I’m still single, so.

But it’s fine. I’m fine. EVERYTHING IS FINE.

Today consisted of prepping the dishes I’ll be taking to my mom’s. Including homemade fudge and Rice Krispies treats. I’m not sure of the latter will make it until tomorrow. 😬

This year, I made my fudge in my Grandma Jacobs’ pot. Grandma Jacobs had a strawberry themed kitchen. For a few years, I had a strawberry themed kitchen. I no longer do, but have a few favorite pieces here and there. Like my kettle. I still have all of her stuff that I was blessed with, because how can you part with it? No really. If you have any ideas let me know. I can’t seem to throw anything away.

We’re looking forward to Thanksgiving despite all the nonsense this year. Or maybe it’s BECAUSE of this nonsensical 2020 hand we’ve been dealt. Because truly, we have SO MUCH to be thankful for. Just look around you. Blessings are everywhere!

Each Thanksgiving we make cinnamon rolls (not homemade because I haven’t been that brave yet), serve up some coffee and oj and watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I plate up the fudge and Rice Krispies treats to graze on all day and we stay in our jammies until it’s time to head over to my mom’s. Then we stuff ourselves silly with no regerts! We watch whatever football is on and whatever Christmas movie marathon has started. Gosh! I just love Thanksgiving!

What does Thanksgiving look like for you? How will it be different this year? What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Feel free to comment below!