Gratitude, homemaking, homestead

Thanksgiving at the Cottage Homestead

Can you believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already? It seems to happen quicker every year. Today I thought I would share what we are doing to prepare and share some tips and suggestions with you!

Let’s talk Thanksgiving prep!
Make all of your casserole dishes, cover and pop in the fridge! Bake tomorrow. Saves a lot of prep time tomorrow!

Make and bake your pies today. Stick the pumpkin pie in the fridge and take it out tomorrow morning-ish.

Do whatever you can do today to save yourself the time tomorrow. The more you can do today, the more you can enjoy tomorrow!

I have 7/10 dozen rolls rising for customers to pick up this afternoon.

Two of the ten are staying frozen as requested by the customer. And the final one will be picked up on Saturday.

After these are picked up I will be making our traditional fudge and Krispies treats and making my pies. Usually I will just do two pumpkin pies, but decided to switch it up and make one pumpkin and one pecan. I’ve never had a pecan pie, so I’m super excited!

I’ll be picking up some local homemade cranberry sauce that a local homestead made. Sure, I can do it, but I wanted to support our local farmers and homesteads. It’s super important to keep them running!

I’ll also be preparing our cinnamon rolls for the morning. As is tradition for us, we like to have our cinnamon rolls, coffee, and orange juice while we watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. I look forward to that every year.

Then tomorrow we will go to my mom’s and have dinner there.

We look forward to all the deliciousness that comes with tomorrow and the days after.

We have so much to be thankful for. We need to remember these things on the daily. We take so much for granted. I hope tomorrow you take the time to stop and reflect on all the blessings the LORD has bestowed upon you. His mercy and grace for starters! Thank Him for not giving you what you deserve. 🥴😬🫠

“And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.” 1 Chronicles 29:13

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! May you all have a blessed holiday with friends and loved ones. 🦃

All The Things, Faith, Life in General

It’s Our Time. Almost.

The BER months are here, friends!! This girl is SO EXCITED. This is MY time of year. From September through December. I love everything about this last quarter of the year. Literally everything.

The sun changes angles. The air shifts. The scents change. The leaves change. Everything changes. And it is glorious.

Time for fall. Time for all the fall things. Soups, stews, chilis, crusty breads. All the pumpkin things, of course. Apple this. Apple that.

It’s me. I’m white people. Also. I desperately need a Golden.

Since my last post, I finished the Sheriff’s Citizen Academy. Which, was a ton of fun and anxiety, all rolled into one. I realized through all that that I really need to get back into shape. 😐 

*I broke my glasses and see nothing. 

*I turned 48. 

*I went and got myself elected as Vice Chair for my legislative district. Can someone tell me how this happened? Kthx. 

*I taught a crochet class.

*We started Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan for discipleship class at church. I took it several years ago and never got through the first or second stage. Now I have to pace myself to not finish it before the rest of the class. I guess I’m ready to read it now.

*Started my Biblical Citizenship class as a Constitution Coach/Lead Learner. I don’t know all the things. I’m just bringing all the things to other people. We’ve had lots of great discussions already! 

*I’m in full fall craft show prep. Almost. :\ I’m still behind. 

*And have attended every meeting unknown to the typical citizen for the central committee. So. Many. Meetings. So much for one hour a month…. #IveBeenHoodwinked

But in alllll of this, I rely on the Lord. He is the One who brought me to it, He will equip me and bring me through it. He has been opening doors for both my son and me. And it’s been really great. Are things where we would love them to be? Of course not. But I can see the doors opening left and right to help us get there. 

Remain faithful, friends. Keep trusting in the Lord. Keep being obedient. He always makes a way. And His way is ALWAYS better than ours. 

Until next time.