
I made dis.

Hi. I’ve been MIA. Honestly, I have no idea what to write these days. I’ve been all over the place with this that and the other thing. So much going on everywhere. I NEED TO FOCUS. BUT, one thing I thought would be fun to share is that I made my Easter dress! I KNOW!…

It’s been a minute

Thanksgiving was the last time I posted? Dang. I’ve had a few things going on since, but mostly, just haven’t felt like it. It’s kind of a hassle to get on to post when you don’t have internet at home. Sure, I could post from my phone, but that’s a pain in the ass, too.…

Thanksgiving at the Cottage Homestead

Can you believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving already? It seems to happen quicker every year. Today I thought I would share what we are doing to prepare and share some tips and suggestions with you! Let’s talk Thanksgiving prep!Make all of your casserole dishes, cover and pop in the fridge! Bake tomorrow. Saves a lot of…

Hello, November!

Look at me! Posting twice in one week. I honestly should be doing anything else right now. But I happened to have my laptop open for another task I had to do and decided, might as well, since I’m here! November is here! And I am shooketh. I have so much that I * want*…

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I suck at this. It’s been 3 months since I last blogged. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to sit down and write, only to be sidelined or distracted by something else. It’s been a busy 3 months! And the next 3 months will be just as busy. Next week will…

My how time flies!

How in the fig is it already July?? How did we already have July 4th? Did you enjoy yours as much as we did? We are super low-key and do things at home with a simple cookout. We hang out in the backyard or driveway and watch the neighbors burn their hard earned cash. We…

New Recipe Alert!

Where are my Ranch dressing loving people at? Have I got a goodie for you! If you’re like me, you’ve been looking for healthier alternatives for your family. In every way! Well today I am going to share with you a healthier alternative to an American favorite, ranch dressing. You’re most welcome! Let’s get started!…

Glean & Gather

We’re all about dreams and goals here, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. The biggest one we have currently is to be able to find land and build our homestead. Be it a home on the land or one that we build. It’s a HUGE dream for someone who doesn’t have the income, the credit, the…

Be a Good Steward

Anyone else looking for other shopping alternatives? No? Just me? 👀 Over the last few years, things have shifted, in a big way, for me. I’ve been more conscious of what we consume, in every way. I’m having to make my dollars stretch a LOT farther. I’ve had to let go a lot of things.…

A Simple Saturday

I thought today would be more like, ahhh yes, crochet and TV. It ended up being more like, AHHH, fidgeting with printing things, a little bit of crochet, slow cooking a chicken for the week, making chili for dinner, visiting with a lovely friend & talking all things homesteading, running to the store, eating dinner,…


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