All The Things, Life in General

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I suck at this. It’s been 3 months since I last blogged. I can’t tell you how many times I have tried to sit down and write, only to be sidelined or distracted by something else. It’s been a busy 3 months! And the next 3 months will be just as busy.

Next week will be November. I’m sorry. WHAT? I am so not ready! It was literally just July. I blinked. Next week. November. Sigh. Somewhere along the line, I’ve lost 2 months. I’m not sure what happened.

Every single year I think next year will be better and I’ll be more on top of things. And every single year, November sneaks up behind me and clubs me in the head. Anyone else? No? Just me? Carry on, then.

I have SO MANY IDEAS and things I want to implement. They only cost time & money. Time, I’ve got. Resources, not so much. Although, I could be a better steward of my time. It’s something I am constantly striving to improve. I’m light years better than I once was, so let’s call that a win.

I can write my ideas down in a brain dump all day long, but that’s as far as many of them get. I need a better system. I’m open to suggestions! What works well for you? How do you organize your brain dumps/ideas/brainstorms? I have notebooks all over and they get all mixed up and used for other things. This might be a focus for the new year.

It’s fall. Last time I wrote, it was the heat of the summer and I was melting. It’s been a gorgeous fall so far. We’ve had it for a few weeks. I would like for it to last a little longer. But next week, we drop down into the 40s for the high for a few days. I don’t mind it. I’d mind it even less if I had a fireplace. Then Ozarks fall returns for another week or so. Temps should be falling pretty soon. I have a Farmer’s Almanac this year. I’m eager to see how accurate it is.

The annual craft fair is in just a couple of weeks and I am no where near ready for that. I’ll be spending my days with hook and yarn in hand. If you see me with gnarled hands, mind your business.

The bakery has been in a moderately slow period over the last couple of months. I’m hoping that, too, picks up soon with the holidays approaching. I have a bajillion ideas where that is concerned, too.

I started my own apple cider vinegar the other day and will be doing a blog post about that soon, too. I may have to schedule it for after the craft show. It’s terribly late now but had to strike while the iron was hot. I should either be sleeping or crocheting. It has to be one or the other for the next 16 days. It’s that dire. Food? What’s that? Sleep? Meh. I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Crafters gonna craft. Makers gonna make. Hookers gonna hook. *wink wink*

And with that, I shall bid you adieu. Until next time, friends!

2 thoughts on “Busy, Busy, Busy!”

  1. I painted a wall in my kitchen with chalk paint and that’s where I leave ideas, to-do lists or just messages to myself and others. Seems to work to keep me on track and figure out how to better manage my time. I don’t know if it will help but it seems to help me. Happy Fall!


    1. I love that idea! When I grow up and have my little dream homestead, I definitely want to incorporate a chalk wall. I currently rent our little cottage homestead, so painting a chalkboard wall isn’t an option. But I could find a good sized chalkboard to hang! Thanks for stopping by, Lexi!

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