Faith, farmhouse, God-Sized Dreams, Gratitude, homestead, Jesus Loves Me

Glean & Gather

We’re all about dreams and goals here, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. The biggest one we have currently is to be able to find land and build our homestead. Be it a home on the land or one that we build. It’s a HUGE dream for someone who doesn’t have the income, the credit, the savings, etc., to just go make it happen. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, now is NOT the time for buyers to get a deal. At least not one they won’t be house poor under. I mentioned this to a dear sister in Christ a few weeks ago and she reminded me that God can make all that happen. Because, He can do far more than we can ever ask or hope. Nothing is too big for God!

I love how He loves to put people and words in places and times when we need it the most, don’t you? Like my dear friend and sister in Christ. Like the stream of Scripture and devotionals written by women who’ve been there, done that.

This week’s theme seems to be another gentle reminder that God has it all under control. In one daily devotional, Truth for Life 365 Daily Devotions by Alistair Begg, he writes about Ruth, which just so happens to be one of my most favorite books of the Bible and one of my favorite women of the Bible. They, Ruth & Naomi, acted in faith. Ruth went out to glean in the fields of Boaz. She was faithful and dutiful and she found favor in Boaz’s eyes and she and Naomi never had to worry about it again. God provided.

In my Journey for Women, the ‘gather sticks’ devotional reflected 1 Kings 17 where Elijah is sent to a widow who was gathering sticks, presumably for her and her son’s last meal before they died. He instructed her to get him some water and make him a cake of the flour and oil that she had left. She faithfully did so, trusting in the Lord, and she and her son never had to worry about it again. God provided.

Are you sensing a theme here? Gleaning in the fields, gathering sticks. Dutifully doing your job, the mundane little every day things. How often do we grumble and complain about those everyday mundane little things? How we take them for granted? How often do we say we’re going to do something and then just not do it? Even the things, or especially the things, that God has called us to do.

“He assures her the Lord will provide for her needs moving forward. She just needs to gather her sticks. (see 1 Kings 17:8-16)

Sometimes God simply asks for us to do what we said we would do. Obedience to the small tasks is often what activates the blessings God promises to lavishly bestow on His faithful servants.” Author unknown, from Journey for Women (May 16, 2023)

Friends, we just need to gather our sticks and glean the fields as God has called us to do. Joyfully and faithfully, I might add. You know, since we are to do all things as if for Christ. All the mundane, little daily tasks are to be done joyfully. With faith. That’s hard to do when cleaning out the litter box. It’s hard to do when it’s outside your comfort zone. It’s hard to do when you’ve had a really long day and everything hurts. It’s hard to do when you didn’t get a good night’s rest. But we do it anyway. And we trust that the Lord will continue to provide for all of our needs. And some of our wants! I mean, He did put that dream on your heart. He wants to see what you will do with it and how you will respond to it. Will you give Him all the glory He is due? Or will you take the credit? I sure hope it’s the former. Because you can’t even open your eyes in the morning without Him!

Thank you, GOD, for waking me up today and giving me another opportunity to serve You and to give You glory in ALL things. Even the little, mundane, everyday things. Thank YOU for all the sticks and the barley. I trust You, LORD. Thank YOU for your faithful provision!

All The Things, America, farm life, farmhouse, God-Sized Dreams, Gratitude, homestead, liberty, Life in General, lifestyle, wellness

Be a Good Steward

Anyone else looking for other shopping alternatives? No? Just me? 👀

Over the last few years, things have shifted, in a big way, for me.

I’ve been more conscious of what we consume, in every way. I’m having to make my dollars stretch a LOT farther. I’ve had to let go a lot of things. I’m reusing and repurposing anything I can. I’m cooking and baking from scratch, gardening, getting chickens, etc. It’s a whole thing! 🌱🐓💐

Since I’m an America First 🇺🇸 kind of girl, I’ve been really conscious of spending my dollars with like minded shops/stores/people, as well as local.

It’s super important to me. God has bestowed upon me blessing after blessing and I must be a good steward of those blessings.

Thankfully, I’ve found one such place that checks many of my boxes.

  • Made in the USA
  • Clean & non-toxic
  • Affordable
    …just to name a few

I am now working to swap all the gross toxic crap with healthier options. Under my kitchen and bathroom sink, in my medicine cabinet, including supplements! I’m really excited to get everything swapped over and share with you my thoughts on it. It’s all part of our journey in going from cottage to farmhouse!

All The Things, Faith, God-Sized Dreams, Life in General

Season of Change

Just remember that when you grow, the things you once rocked don’t fit you quite the same anymore and it’s ok.

It’s ok to move on and try something new. Think of it as a caterpillar transitioning into a butterfly. We all go through seasons of change.

Some times it’s hard to let go of the familiar to make room for the new. Why? Because change is HARD. Change is scary. But when you hand it off to God and let Him have the reigns, you can rest assured and have peace that everything will be just fine.

So let go of what was and embrace what is to come. Because God’s gotchoo!

All The Things, farm life, God-Sized Dreams, Life in General

Thoughtful Thursday

Just a few thoughts this Thursday:

•I am too blessed to be stressed. Repeat.

•I get to bake cupcakes today. Something I LOVE to do.

•The Lord is my Great Provider and will provide ALL my NEEDS according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 (and some of my wants, too!)

•I have some of the best and sweetest friends in the world.

•I want a dog. And a cow. And a donkey. And chickens. And ducks. And 20 acres.

•I have a new dream on my heart and mind. More research is needed. And prayer. It may help get the previous bullet point. 😉

•I have a good life. It’s far from perfect, it can be messy, but it’s mine. And I’m thankful for it.

Blessed Thursday, friends. I want to hear what’s on your mind. Share with me in the comments below!

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Faith, God-Sized Dreams

Out With the Old, In With the New

Fair thee well, 2022! Welcome 2023!

Others are waxing tales of woe and angst, some are thankful for a great year. And others still are just feeling quite meh about it all. I, and my son, fall in the latter category. We’re not 100% sure why. I think it mainly has to do with a ton of uncertainty about so many things right now. I can’t say that I’m not looking forward to all the things that God is and will be doing in the next year, because I most definitely am. And also not to say that I am not thankful, because I have had a ton to be thankful for over the past year. I can’t say that it was a terrible year. We’ve been quite blessed and we’ve learned a lot. At least I have.

I, personally, over the last few years have struggled greatly with my goals, visions, and dreams. Not with having any, because trust, I have big ones and lots of them. But I have been struggling with knowing if they align with the Lord’s will. Are these goals and dreams coming from ME, or do they have the hand of God in them? Were they planted there by Him? Or is that just me in my sinful humanity? I have been praying that the Lord give me eyes to see and ears to hear. Daily. All day. I stink at decision making and making sense out of a lot of things, so I’m sure you can see my hesitation.

Until the other day when I came across this Bible study on the YouVersion app. I feel like it ‘gave me permission’. It gave me questions to ask, things to pray over and for, and helped give a little clarity. This one also helped find places in Scripture that were reassuring.

A few verses that repeated throughout both plans (as well as other readings listed below) were…

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” — Proverbs 16:3, ESV

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” — Proverbs 3:6, ESV

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” — Proverbs 16:9, ESV

As I do several different little studies and readings in my daily time, I get wisdom shared from lots of places. Such as Lifeway’s Journey; daily devotions for women and Truth for Life by Alistair Begg. (I don’t get anything from these links, just sharing what I love!)

One writer in the Journey devotional shared her thoughts about when they sold their dream home and had to move and how hard it was for her to step out in faith into this new endeavor. She writes, “…but if I wait for perfect clarity, I will never step out in faith. Faith does not often make sense at the onset, but in hindsight we see how God was leading.” (December 16, 2022) That first part hit me in the face. Combined with all that I shared above about needing clarity and discernment, following His will, etc., it just seemed to kind of wrap it up in a big ol bow.

I just need to remain in faith that the Lord has it all under control. He has a plan for me. He sets these desires on my heart, He will make a way. Provided, of course, they align with His will.

“Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.” Psalm 37:4-5, ESV

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13, ESV

I learned that as Christians, it’s ok to have goals, dreams, and plans. We just need to give them over to the LORD to do with what He wills. We must make sure to pray over our visions, our goals, our lists, our days. Day in, day out. I learned that the dreams that we can’t seem to shake were placed there by God. And whatever God’s will is will find a way. He will make the way and we won’t know what hit us.

So step out in faith this year. Write down those big hairy audacious goals and dreams. Then boldly and specifically ask for them and pray for them. Without ceasing. If you can’t stop thinking about it, take action. Because He doesn’t want us to remain idle! We must do the work He calls us to. It will probably be really hard. It might cost you money you don’t have, but He will provide that, too. 😉 He IS the God of provision, after all.

I haven’t yet gotten to where I’m quite ready to share all my goals and dreams and visions for 2023 yet, but I’ll be sure to return here when I do.

Meanwhile, my wish for you and yours is that you have a healthy and abundantly blessed 2023 and that you go after those dreams that you just can’t shake.

Happy, Happy New Year!

Faith, farm life, farmhouse, God-Sized Dreams, Gratitude, Jesus Loves Me

The Waiting Game

Hurry up and wait. Society today knows no patience. Everything is sped up and hurried. Instantaneous. At your fingertips.

Microwaves | Drive thrus | Delivery | Fast food | Instacart | Amazon | Next day shipping | pre-packaged meals | The list goes on and on.

No one has to wait for anything these days. And that has done us a huge disservice.

We need to rely on God’s timing. Because His timing is sheer perfection. I have never been a patient person. God knows this. Therefore, He ensured that my life be a waiting period. And yours, too.

You know how they say, “Good things come to those who wait”? We have been conditioned to bypass that. Instead, these days it’s, “Good things come to those who hustle”. I used to believe that. The last few years have changed my thoughts on the matter. They have taught me to slow down and appreciate things more. Enjoy the process more. And you know what? I rather like it and prefer it. I’ve learned to make things from scratch. To grow things. I’m discovering skills and arts that have gotten lost in the hustle.

It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted the ‘next best thing’, but even in the last few years, the desires of my heart have drastically changed. I no longer seek wealth, I seek joy and peace. I no longer seek the recognition, I seek the fellowship and connection of family, friends, and neighbors.

Do I still have material wants? Of course. Hello farm life! Donkeys, cows, and chickens…Oh my! But they aren’t just things to HAVE. They are a way of life and each serves a purpose.

I’ve gotten a bit off track. Waiting. We were never meant to have ALL THE THINGS RIGHT MEOW. Hello? Moses. Israelites. Wilderness. 40 years. Going in circles because they couldn’t quit complaining and being grateful for what the Lord gave them? Sound familiar? It sure does to me. I have been in my own wilderness for the last 17 years. Because I haven’t been content and thankful for what I have been given. Including the struggles. This isn’t a post about contentment, though we need to have it in the waiting. The last few years the Lord has shown me to be content in the waiting. It wasn’t until today during my devotional reading that it hit me that the waiting is preparing my heart and mind for what He has in store for me.

I know what I think I want and need. But God knows better than I. And I can’t WAIT to see what He has in store for me. Because what I want sounds pretty amazing. A loving godly husband, a farm life, taking care of the family with the things we have grown and raised together. It sounds downright heavenly. But only if it’s the Lord’s will. Naturally, I hope it is. But I will learn to be content in whatever situation He places me. And in HIS time. Not mine.

What are you waiting for God to do in your life? While you wait, prepare for what He has coming, dive into His Word, ask Him boldly and specifically, pray for wisdom and discernment, and wait on the Lord.

America, God-Sized Dreams

Happy 246th Birthday, America!

Happy Independence Day, friends! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Even today, with all the nonsense going on in our great nation, we are a FREE people. We are free to worship. We are free to choose. We are free to love. We are free to serve one another with grateful hearts. We are free to gather. We are free to speak our minds. We are free to disagree. We are free to protect our families and property (All God given rights, by the way). All because ‘some old guys’ stood up and said NO MORE to government control. We are free to do the same. Our founding documents make it so.

So while you’re hanging with friends and family, grilling up some brats and pounding back a few brewskis, and blowing stuff up, remember that. Remember that countless thousands died to protect your right to do so. Remember that these Founding Fathers of our GREAT nation did this for US. So that we would be free.

Remember that YOU are We the People!

crochet, Faith, farm life, God-Sized Dreams, Life in General

A Little Bit of This…A Little Bit of That…

That’s what this post will be all about today because I have one bajillion and forty-seven things rattling around in my brain. Maybe I should have titled this “Brain Dump #687”. Who can relate? I expect to see quite a few hands, friends.

Let’s just dive in, shall we? Chickens. We want chickens. We want a LOT of chickens. ALAS, we live in town, so we can have max 6 chickens. Nope, no room for chicken math here. Just 6. Our biggest obstacle in acquiring these little egg-laying darlings is the coop. No matter which way you spin it, unless you are gifted a coop, you’re going to be dropping some sort of wad on this puppy. I have been blessed with access to an endless supply of pallets, but even with that, there’s going to be a couple hundo in other materials and equipment needed. And that’s just for building the coop. And the last I checked, my rich uncle Maury hadn’t been released from the poor house, yet. Soo…. I have begrudingly pulled back on the task of getting my birds set up this spring. Instead, I will focus on my garden(s) and launching my baking biz and we will gradually work on our coop over the next year or so to be ready for our little darlings next year. Unless some other God-sized awesomeness meets us halfway. It could happen.

I just get so stinking excited to get things up and running, that that is all I focus/obsess on/over and then I get nothing else done. I’m just really ready to be out living my best life on my little farm. Who can blame me? *breathes* I just need to slow my roll and put all that energy into building the bank account to fund it. Heh.

Then there’s the garden. I WANT TO PLANT ALL THE THINGS. But I have one 4×8 bed and several containers. So I cannot plant all the things. Are you seeing a pattern here? Mmkay.

Then there’s my little crochet hustle. I WANT TO CROCHET ALL THE THINGS. Alas, I am one person. I currently have to make, no joke, 30 adorable chicken potholders.

Behold! The cutest chicken potholde/hotpad you ever did see!

But I love it. I am forever grateful and thankful for the gifts the Lord has given me. I have to give my attention to this avenue and figure out where I want to take it. How big do I want to go? Or do I want to go home? #SWIDT. I also want to get a head start on some other items and, of course, as a maker does, start thinking about holiday/seasonal makes! It’s never too early for a maker to be thinking of the holiday season. Especially, those who crochet, sew, and knit. These things take time! But, I digress.

Then, there is the whole dating thing. Good heavens. Dating in your late 40s is ROUGH, my friends. Add into that the fact that I am a diehard Jesus Freak and require the same of my potential spouse, and well. I’m just not sure the pickins can get any slimmer. Fix it, Jesus. But, I know He has a plan for me and it is far better than I can even ask or imagine. So I trust in Him. I will continue to do the work on myself and my relationship with my Father and become the best Ruth for my Boaz. With the trust of Hannah and the faith of Ruth, I press on! Because there has GOT to be some tall, dark, handsome, jack-of-all-trades, burly-ish, godly man looking for me. I JUST KNOW IT. Bless his heart.

And lastly, maybe, is the baking. I WANT TO BAKE ALL THE THINGS. But I need to hunker down and work out a plan. Right now I’m still getting feelers and collecting resources. We’re in the research stage. And by ‘we’, I mean me. For St. Patrick’s Day I had the hair to make something fun to celebrate with our traditional Colcannon and sausage dinner. What better thing than chocolate cupcakes with Irish cream buttercream frosting? It was a great opportunity to practice my cupcake decorating skills. My whole plan and idea for my little baking biz is NOT to do fancy. But simple, classic, and delicious cakes and cupcakes, breads, rolls, and cinnamon rolls and the like. And probably basic cookies. You know, like the kind mom and grandma used to make, but you don’t have time (or know-how) to do. Or, hate to do. Whatever.

Chocolate cupcakes with Irish cream buttercream. SO GOOD.

In the end, it will all work out as it is intended. I serve an awesome & MIGHTY God who loves me and wants the best for me. I continue to put my trust in Him and wait on His perfect timing.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21