All The Things, Gratitude, homestead, Life in General

A Simple Saturday

I thought today would be more like, ahhh yes, crochet and TV.

It ended up being more like, AHHH, fidgeting with printing things, a little bit of crochet, slow cooking a chicken for the week, making chili for dinner, visiting with a lovely friend & talking all things homesteading, running to the store, eating dinner, cutting up said chicken, saving bones for chicken stock, baking a cake, making frosting, frosting said cake, and making pie dough for tomorrow’s birthday dinner for my dad. AND doing all the dishes.

I am exhausted and my back hurts. But I’m happy. I got to do ALL the things I love to do. Except dishes. Those I don’t love to do. But, it gives me time to think on things, say little prayers, and just be thankful that I had a reason to dirty those dishes in the first place.

All in all, today turned out just like I’d hoped it would. Feeling accomplished and thankful.

Birthday cake for my daddy. 😊
All The Things, Faith, Jesus Loves Me, Life in General

The Sweetest Gift

You know how you love your Bible but know you probably need a new one, one with larger font…🤓🧐 but you have such a hard time giving up your old, comfortable, worn, marked Bible? This has been me for a few years now. I LOVE my Bible. All the notes, underlinings, circled scripture, marks, dog eared pages, coffee stains, tear stains, maybe even some Cheetos dust (don’t you judge me).

But then you’ve had your eye on this one particular Bible for a couple years. One that’s in one of your favorite colors, larger print, preferred translation. You saw it on sale one time and kicked yourself for not getting it then and haven’t seen it on sale since.

Then this new couple comes and joins your church. The lovely wife of the couple is in your Thursday night ladies’ Bible study. You noticed that she has the very Bible that you’ve had your eye on and you make a comment about it. You show this Bible to your mom because you have a birthday coming up wink wink.
Fast forward to Sunday morning and you hadn’t given it another thought.

But she did. She comes up to you with Bible in hand and tells you that she has thought about you since Thursday and would you please accept this as a gift and hands you said Bible. You tell her that she is so sweet and kind and she doesn’t have to do that. She tells you that it’s just her ’church Bible’ and that it’s nothing and she would love for you to have it if you would accept it. I graciously accepted it and hugged her big. What a sweet, precious gesture and gift from a sweet, sweet, gracious and Christ loving sister. 🥰

I just feel so humbled and blessed.

Faith, Jesus Loves Me, lifestyle

Holy, holy, holy

“Holy, holy, holy is the LORD God Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

Holy crow. This passage below left me undone.

This is just after Isaiah has come face to face with God in the temple. The seraphim is about to touch his lips with a white hot coal. (Isaiah 6:6-7)

Put yourself in Isaiah’s sandals for a moment. I did. 😳 And it tore me to shreds.

Even though I know I am forgiven by His mercy and grace thanks to His One and Only Son, I can’t help but think I would behave as Isaiah did. To know that I am a sinner in the presence of the Holy Trinity? I am so not worthy!

We are used to being able to hide our shame and unworthiness from one another, but there is NO hiding it from the LORD God Almighty!

LORD, thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul, Tyndale Publishing
America, Life in General, Urban Homestead

Home Alone

Home alone today. Brady’s off fishing with friends from church. I don’t even know what to do with myself! I have a list, though. But also, how often do I get a quiet house to myself for a day?

Answer? Not very often at all. Part of me wants to sit around watching MY shows and eat Bon Bons (do they even still make those?). Alas, I am on a weight loss journey so none of that will be happening. And as I said, I have a list. Also, I have a business to run.

It’s going to be like mid-summer this week. We are not amused. If you’re new here, I don’t do hot well. Warm, ok. Hot? Ner.

I have a ton of gardening to do, but I’m on hold until my refund gets here to get all my supplies. I also don’t do patient well. I want it right meow! I feel so far behind, but as I recall, last year we didn’t plant for another week, so I’m doing ok. And most of it I started from seed. I just have to breathe!

Our little berg had a city wide yard sale this past weekend. I scored some goodies. But the one I’m most excited about is my old wheelbarrow. I have been wanting one for a while now to use as a planter. Specifically, at least this year, for a little herb garden. I found it for $5! FIVE. FIVE DOLLHAIRS. Part of me just wants to leave it as is. The other part maybe wants to repaint it a fun red or a brighter yellow. For now, I’m just going to drill some holes in this puppy and throw some dirt in it. My other tough decision is whether to put it in the front yard or the back yard…. Too bad I’m indecisive. :\ But how cool is it?! I’m so excited.

Now to find some more half barrels and such. Without spending an arm and a leg. I’m all about being frugal.

We’re doing a lot out here on our little ‘urban’ homestead. Much of which I’ve forgotten to photograph. I suck at the part. I’ll try to do better. We have one project happening that I will be sure to remember pics for. I’ll save that for another post.

In the coming weeks, we will also be adding a chicken coop! That will be another post in and of itself. Pretty freaking stoked about that! The biggest task on that will be to get the run built. It will need some repairs and some paint. And a few add ons, I’m sure. It was free, so I don’t feel like doing the work would be such a bad deal. Remember, I like frugal. Free is even better.

I think I’ll hang out a little bit longer and enjoy the quiet. Maybe read a bit. Then get to work on the list. I have a lot to read and brush up on for the upcoming elections and such. You know, like the U.S. Constitution and the Missouri Constitution.

Do you know the 28 Principles of Liberty? Look for a post on that coming soon, too!

Today’s verse of the day:

“fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬